Chat: IRC Server
Ein eigener IRC-Server ist in der Regel Kunden von root-Servern vorbehalten, die sie viel Last erzeugen können. Für den kleinen Heimbetrieb ist das aber nicht von belang. Dank eines IRC-Servers hat man die Möglichkeit öffentliche und private Chaträume zur Verfügung zu stellen, entweder global oder für bestimmte Benutzer(gruppen). So kann man auf Tools wie ICQ oder besser Jabber in vielen Fällen verzichten.## Installation ##
apt-get install ngircd
```## Konfiguration ##
Der Server ist sofort startklar und kann genutzt werden. Einige Änderungen sollten jedoch an den Benutzern in den `[Operator]` Sektionen vorgenommen werden, damit keine Superuser den Server übernehmen.
[Global] Name = AdminInfo1 = Debian User AdminInfo2 = Debian City AdminEMail = Info = Yet another IRC Server running on Debian GNU/Linux MotdPhrase = "Hello. This is the Debian default MOTD sentence" PidFile = /var/run/ngircd/ Ports = 6667, 6668, 6669 ServerGID = irc ServerUID = irc
[Limits] ConnectRetry = 60 MaxConnections = 500 MaxConnectionsIP = 10 MaxJoins = 10 MaxNickLength = 9 PingTimeout = 120 PongTimeout = 20
[Options] MorePrivacy = yes OperCanUseMode = yes SyslogFacility = syslog
[Operator] Name = root Password = **** Mask = @
[Operator] Name = sysop Password = **** Mask = @
Ignore /ignore -{p|m|n} {nickname|/regex/} {"message"|/regex/|word} {#rooms ...} -p: makes the ignore permanent (i.e. the ignor is saved to disk) -m: is to specify a message -n: is to specify a nickname Unignore /unignore -{m|n} {nickname|/regex/} {"message"|/regex/|word} {#rooms ...} -m: is to specify a message -n: is to specify a nickname Examples /ignore & /unignore - will open a GUI window to add and manage ignores /ignore Loser23094 - ignore Loser23094 in all rooms /ignore -m "is listening" - ignore any message that has "is listening" from everyone /ignore -m /is listening ./ - ignore the message expression "is listening " from everyone /ignore -mn /eevyl./ /is listening ./ #adium #colloquy #here - same as above but limited to the specified rooms and users starting with eevyl /ignore -n /bunny.*/ - ignore users whose nick starts with bunny in all rooms Replace ignore with unignore to remove previously set ignores.
iTunes See also MusicScript. Lists the currently playing iTunes song (by default).
/itunes /itunes prefs /itunes rating /itunes stats {playlist} /itunes open|quit|play|pause|stop|next|previous Google Opens your default browser and does a Google search.
/join <#room> Joins the room specifed.
/join <#room>